Adventure Park Project


Update January 11,2024

Phase 2 of the Adventure took a slow start in the late fall but progress has been made!  Mason Jones started working on building the two towers which will support the logs for the gateway and  Mark Suttle and his crew arrived with the remaining timbers. The tower and the Zipline structures look impressive.  They will return in the spring, after the snow is gone, to complete Phase 2, after which we will have a big celebration with our community.

Below are images of the various pieces of equipment that will be built or completed in the Spring of 2024, tot area for ages 18mo - 5 years which willl eventually be fenced in for safety, the rest will be for children ages 5 - 12 years.

Tribal Council for ages 18mo - 5 years

Tot logs for ages 18mo-5 years

Tot log swing for ages 18mo - 5years

Sun Fort for ages 18mo - 5 years

Tall Timber Zipline for ages 5-12 years

Parkour Ridge for ages 18mo- 5 years

Northwest Tower for ages 5-12 years


Update January 10, 2023

Nakusp Adventure Park project moves to phase 2

With the completion of phase 1 of the Adventure Park, a new landmark has appeared in Nakusp – a massive log climbing structure which will be the centre piece of the park. This exciting development has caught the attention of the community and has children eager to explore its possibilities once the snow has melted.

The Rotary Club has now turned its attention to the next phase which will expand the park and add more play elements. The plans area ambitious. They include an area specifically designed for younger children up to 5 years old, which will comprise a parkour course to test  climbing and balancing skills, a double swing with bucket seats and various free play elements. For the older kids additional features will include a tower slide, a zipline and a larger, more challenging parkour course.

The funding for this phase has been secured and construction will begin as soon as the snow melts, hopefully April 2023.

Here is a sample of the items we will be able to install in Phase II of the new adventure park.



Update: Tuesday October 19th, 2021

Work started last week on the construction of Nakusp’s new natural adventure park. The discovery of he old wading pool, buried three feet under the site caused a short delay in the work plan, but the crew were soon making great progress erecting the log climber, which is to be the centre point of phase one of the Park.



Overview: The objective of the project is to provide a natural play space for children up to about 12 years old to explore and test their boundaries. The park will be equipped with structures formed from natural materials (such as trees and rocks) which act as climbing walls, fairy castles, dens, … or whatever the children’s imagination conjures up.

The internationally recognized firm of Bienenstock Design and Consulting was engaged to develop the design of the Park. Their work is based on extensive research into the benefits to children of different types of play and we anticipate that the Park will have a positive effect on children’s health, their school work and their social behaviour.

The steering committee of the project is jointly chaired by the Rotary Club of Nakusp and the Village of Nakusp.

Phase One of the project is scheduled to start in 2021.


If you would like to be involved with this or any other Nakusp Rotary project or fundraising event please contact Sara at [email protected]
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