Wine & Beer Fest


Overview:   The annual Wine and Beer Fest is the biggest fundraiser of the year that takes place at the Lodge at Arrow Lakes.  It is known in the community as a fancy dress-up occasion.  Wineries and the breweries in the Kootenays and the Okanagan are invited to participate in this event.  Wonderful appetizers are prepared by the chef at the Lodge, and they are served by Interactors and youth with diverse abilities in black and white outfits.  Up until 2019 a silent auction was part of the WineFest.  However, due to the pandemic, the event was canceled in 2020, and an on-line silent auction was held instead, which was very successful.

If you would like to be involved with this or any other Nakusp Rotary projects or fundraisers, please contact Sara at [email protected].


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